Saturday 30 July 2011

Gluten Free Foods List

For a gluten free diet, the first thing you need is some gluten free flours, such as quinoa, sorghum, rice, tapioca, and teff.

It is good to have a few types of these as gluten free flour for foods work best when they are mixed, you will also nedd some guar gum or xantham gum as without these your baked goods will not stay together as well.

Next things to buy are some quality gluten free cereals like Rice Chex and Envirokids cereals, also brown rice cereal and cream of rice is good. When you go to the supermarket make sure you go to the free from area there so you can see a good range of gluten free cereals as well as wheat and dairy free foods.

Also when buying these foods make sure you read the labels and see that there is no trace of gluten through cross contamination, Look for items labeled gluten free, and steer clear if you see that a product is produced in a facility that also produces wheat.

If you want to try something new, research online to see if any gluten sufferers have tried it first, as it only takes a little gluten to cause a problem.

Eventually all this will become second nature and your gluten free lifestyle will make you feel healthier and happier.

I hope I have been of help


Sunday 24 July 2011

Wheat and Dairy Free Diet

For many people a wheat and dairy free diet is very important because of nasty sides effects from consumption of foods containg wheat and dairy.

It can be very difficult following a diet free of wheat and dairy, but if you visit a good health food store with staff who are clued up on these intolerances then you will find it easy to easier to follow.

Do not visit large health food stores as these are normally staffed by people who are only there for a minimum wage and not particularly knowledgable on food intolerances.

I would normally go to small independant health stores run by people who are passionate about helping individuals like us who are wheat and dairy intolerant.

Remeber to visit my informational website Wheat and Gluten Free Diet Info and join my blogging network and see some great comments and tips to help you on your wheat, gluten and dairy free path to health and well being.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Introduction To Wheat And Gluten Free By Spencer Jackson

Hi my name is Spencer Jackson and I have suffered with a wheat, gluten and dairy intolerance for some time now, these foods have given me GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or acid reflux ) this is when the reflux muscle becomes weak and leaks food back up with acid into the esophagus, causing me indigestion, bloating, heartburn and heart palapatations.

I have now got it under control by eating dairy, wheat and gluten free foods and now I have it managed well, I can now have the odd little bit of theses foods. I have researched my condition for a long time and have found some excellent food dishes I can now eat , which are tasty and highly nutricious. In my blogs I will be sharing these with you and aslo help you along with what foods you should stay well clear of and ones that are great to eat.

I hope I can help.

